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Power of Cross: No Fear

When the World War II was almost closing, the ordinary people were still in great terror and at that time the British soldiers were still moving for an allied march into Germany. On a Sunday morning, a very tall, strong and stout British soldier entered into a small Church in a German village with his body full of machine guns and ammunitions. The Holy Communion service was going on and the Priest just came down from the Altar to call the congregation for taking communion. And at that moment as the Priest suddenly saw the soldier standing at the back facing him with his guns, he was terribly shocked and almost fainting. The Priest lost his words and stood still for a while. But all on a sudden as the Priest saw the tall and stout soldier making a big sign of the Cross with his right hand and trying to kneel down with some difficulty for the communion, he immediately regained his consciousness, strength, happiness and courage to continue the Holy Communion to the congregation starting with the soldier. The worship service ended happily with a memorable scene in the ministerial life of the Priest.

Lesson: The sign of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ can drive away fear and doubt at any moment from human soul and bring peace and joy.

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