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Maundy Thursday | Holy Week

This Thursday is called 'Maundy Thursday.' Maundy comes from the Latin word 'Mandatum' meaning 'command' which refers to the instructions Jesus gave at the Last Supper. On this day Jesus sent Peter and John to prepare the Passover Meal. After the sunset, Jesus ate meal with the twelve and then washed his disciples' feet. Judas secretly conspired to betray Jesus by receiving 30 pieces of silver. At this time, Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper, after which he went to the garden of Gethsemane to pray, where he was in agony. Then the hour for Judas came to betray Jesus and he brought the Sanhedrin to arrest him. Jesus offered himself to be arrested. But one of his companions cut off the ear of the High Priest's slave. Jesus stopped the confrontation and repaired the ear of the slave. Jesus was taken to the house of the High Priest where the Sanhedrin was convened for interrogation. They decided to punish Jesus to death on the charge of blasphemy. At that time Peter denied Jesus three times which was also a fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy. 

In today's context also Judas is present and active in society, in institution, in Church and even in the family. Let there be good number of the faithful ones of Jesus everywhere to defeat the conspiracy of Judas. 

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