In part 1, we all learn, Transition periords are naturally common among men in their different ages. Ages 1 to 2, 5 to 6, 12 to 13, 17 to 19, 27 to 30 etc. Among these, 17 to 19 age transition is the most joyful occasion for man's life. It's a time of progressive growth. Instead of using term 'change', it's good to use the term GROWTH. Because change has dual reactions postively and negatively (decreased change).
Adult's Role
Adult age is a beautiful time of joy given by God in the midst of critical areas. It's important to learn to be joyful during this growth time with the pain and love.
1. Don't overthink upon this Transition
1. Transition is the process in which we grow from one state to another. Many adults give over concern to make them change, they are trying their own. It's make disorders in this beautiful transition, and leads to unwanted changes.
2. It's good to understand that this transition is not about changes or new mentality. It's a growth of our childhood postive mentality.
3. God created man and gives growth naturally. So, Don't try to get changes in our own choice. The progressive growth in mentality as God leads.
2. Don't be Isolated
1. If you read already about Giving privacy in Family Role, you know the importance of privacy in adult time. But it does not mean you have to be isolated from family, close friends and society. Your closeness with family & close friends has to be increased in this transition time.
2. Don't be Isolated emotionally and mentally. In the beginning isolation seems good, but in final, it ends up with dangerous zone.
3. In this transition period, adult can learn the mature way of behaving with others. It is a time of having wonderful fellowships & friendships. Socialization with correct persons is the only way to become strong person and matured mentality.
3. Don't take Decisions by Own
1. Adults are trying to take discisons in own, without having discussion with parents or close circle. It leads to fractions in the final stages.
2. Considering experienced person help us to take correct decision. Having good spritual friend who has special concern upon you is very important. Having a eladerly mentor is not a shameful thing.
3. Online resources are not always giving correct guidance. It's better to be ask human resources who loves you.
4. Don't be non-systamatic
1. Till 17th age, parents gave you schedule for day to day activities. But now onwards you have to make your systematic lifestyles in day to day activities. It helps you to balance your personal works and social relations.
2. It's better to doing the personal works, family duties, friendship activities with out getting orders from parents. Doing perfectly them by own interst.
3. Time management is serius issue in a systematic way. All are having 24 hours only for a day. It's good to learn How to manage time for God, family friends, and your personal workd.
5. Don't be Discouraged.
1. In this time of transition, so many discouragements come from family and others. If we are strong enough, we can move on postively.
2. Don't allow these critical situations to change our life styles and behaviours. Depression comes by overthinking upon the failures or weekness and heavy busy schedule. It's good to avoid them.
3. Sleep early & wakeup early help us to maintain good health in physical and mental. Early Morning sun light essential for good health to encourage ourselves.
6. Don't be Careless in behaviour buliding
1. One of the importance growth in this transition period is behaviour buliding. Behaviour is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.
2. Family situations, college/ school situations may not comfortable to you. But you can build a good environment with the available sources to be a good role model in character buliding.
3. If One's good One's character grows, it's a positive growth in transition period. But if it's good character is losing, it's negative change.
"If character is lose, everything lose"
7. Don't go for Mind Challenge Activities own
1. In this transition period, if any failures come, adults go for Mind Challenge Activities like mental fitness.
2. First we have to know, mind challenge activities is a treatment given by counsellors who checked the client. It's very dangerous like- until take a medicine without concerning doctor. Mental fitness activities is not like body fitness activities.
3. If really one adult wants to have MHA (mental health activities) he must get counselling and follow mind challenge activities under the guidance and follow up of counselor. It's very dangerous to follow in our own. It lead us to feel depressed own and make struggling towards others too.
4. What are the mental health activities we follow wrongly, - avoiding crowd, be stay alone for sometime like 29 or 99 days, listening music for peace of mind, listening psychological quotes, meditation with mind (yoga), frustrations in relationship, destroying ourselves with our own punishments, MHA games etc . These activities are not good without guidance of proper counselling.
8.Don't React like Knowing All
1. Because of so many technologies, today's adult come to know many things. But it's questionable - they know correctly?
2. It's better to be humble enough to learn from experienced person.
3. It's good to have open talk & discussions about life and education or work.
4. "I know everything" "I don't need others guidance" leads to unwanted fractions.
Dear friends,
Transition period is joyful, according to how you react in this time. Even though it's painful time of transition, but the good environment and your good mental health makes you feel better and make others feel good.
Part - 3 (How to face Transition periords as a young man) will be continued in next series.
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