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Masturbation Murders Men

Sex is Holy
Sex is a beautiful gift of God. It is pure. In fact, it was God who intiated it. It could never have occurred in the minds of a human. So it is with marriage. It was God who initiated marriage as well. Marriage, Sex, Intimacy, Romance are all family words that are applicable only within the confines of marriage. Just as every beautiful inititation of God has been perverted, so is sex. Today not only sex but even sexual content are readily available in the web. Do you know that the porn industry's networth today is more than 97$ billion dollars!? This is some fact as to how people have fallen prey to this devilish perversion. Sex, a superior, a sensitive, a spiritual, a soul related extravagant event has been reduced to something that is only physical. How cheap! Sex has been belittled to almost nothing, but carnal. This is perhaps because there is hardly any awareness concerning it. 

There is so much perverted version of sex and romance in the media today, people hardly know what is what. The most important thing about sex is, it is a personal and a private relationship that happens between two wonderful people who are in wedlock. Sex enables a relationship and gracefully blooms the intimacy. There can be no superior spiritual act within marriage other than sex. This kind of a relationship is unavailable elsewhere. Sex is not a public event or a performance. That is porn! It's much more than the flesh. It is a spiritual act where God is actively involved too. How can God be absent when He is the intiator of it?

Why Men Resort to Masturbation?
Sex gives pleasure and so does masturbation. Sex was initiated by God. Masturbation was not even part of God's idea. This was human's perverted innovation of pleasure. There are innumerable videos available on YouTube that support masterbation and thereby strengthens the case for those that adhere to it. First of all masturbation is unnatural. It slowly kills us. Any male's overall health and stability is determined by his sperm count. It actually is physical power. It has life within. It is totally unfortunate that people spray it at will and tend to think that its just fine to do so. 

Second, certain people are bound to it because they know full well that relationships are complex. Masturbation is pleasure bereft of relationship. Men who cling on to this perversion justify themselves in the following manner: 'I don't harm anyone. It is my body and I am a nuisance to none. Who doesn't masturbate today? It is surely not wrong. It is more than okay to indulge in it. When an easy outlet is available, why not subscribe to it? Whatsoever I do which doesn't hurt others is not wrong.'  In all the above blunt statements, God is wholly left out of the equation. We must understand why we as men have been given a male member by God. What is the sole purpose of it? Is it really to masturbate at will and pursue perverted pleasure? 

Love and Lust
Both love and Lust are powerful passions but not from the same source. One is genuine, pure and other centred. Another is unholy, impure, and self centred. One is from God, the other is from the evil one. Lust is love in completely twisted form. Pornography, masturbation and any sexual content that's available in the media is driven by lust and lust alone. Sole pleasure without taking into considerations the feelings, emotions, the spirit, and soul of a person is lust at its best. Love gives freely, lust takes forcefully. Lust commends the act but totally disregards the person and his/her identity. Love respects the person and it's the person who is more important, not his/her performance. God is not lust. God is love! The devil doesn't truly comprehend what love is, otherwise he wouldn't twist it in the first place. We are programmed in love and therefore cannot function in lust. Our very software is love. We would only malfunction at our best by any other mode of living, but love. Our DNA is encoded in love and so is our chromosome. We are the products of love!

Fancy World
To masturbate, one doesn't need a partner at all. A person is more than sufficient enough to carry out the act without any help from anybody. He is capable of helping himself. His imaginary partner can be chosen at will and the masturbation episode continues. If no one really pops up in his psyche, the internet would extend its helping hand. He can google any scantily clad images of poor young girls or adult content videos that would take him directly to the porn websites and thereby continue his saga. The person's partner will always be imaginary. Imaginary worlds don't exist. When the act of masturbation ends, reality punches in the face. To evade this harsh reality, the person almost always continues to hang around in the fancy world as much as possible. And this continues day after day because the urge only rises as the days go by. The person is always sexually hungrier than ever before. He wants a content that can peak his sexual longing and drive. He is trapped and entangled in this vicious cycle. The devil by now seems to have his last laugh but not for long! There is a chain breaker. His name is love!

Concluding Remarks
Dearly Beloved! God knows our longings and has rightly provided us everything we need. Let us be patient enough to enjoy sex within the confines of marriage. Perversion in any form kills us. It is not worth it. Sex within marriage is sufficient than all the adult contents in the media put together. Sex is passionate love. Let's enjoy this divine gift!

Judson J 

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