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Ideology of Bearing the Cross

Once a widow lady was in great despair because of the sufferings she was undergoing and so she complained to God, "O God, no other house in this town is so constantly troubled with miseries like those of mine." God heard her complaint and showed her a dream one night. In the dream she saw that she was being taken to the whole town through the roads. She saw in every house a Cross placed on the door and inside of every house there is either a deep murmur or a bitter complaint or very harsh quarrels for property or horrible fighting between the brothers and sisters or a loud wailing for the loss of a dear one or a severe pain of sickness or a terrible cry of bitterness from frustration and so on and so forth. She also saw that the Cross in every door is of different size which she was very much afraid of, as they all looked very heavy. Then after the tour of the town she was brought back to her own house where she realised that there was much peace and no sound of trouble and the Cross on her door was also very small and a nice one compared to others. Then she fell on her knees and asked God's forgiveness of her continuous complaints and prayed that she would be freed from her murmuring spirit forever.

Lesson: Everyone in this world will have to bear a Cross and there is no scope of any complaint, because God is just and no one will be given any Cross heavier than one's ability to bear.

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