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Christianity: A Life of Action | Serampore by Mr. George Daniel

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Since the time when the disciples of Jesus Christ were called as Christians in Antioch, the disciples/followers of Christ are known with a tag, “Christians”. And because of this, even sometimes we feel highly privileged to be known as Christians. But in this post-modern era, Christianity is merely known as a religion. But people including we Christians, fail to understand that “Christianity: A life of action.” And we are the called out community to act according to the teachings of our great teacher Jesus Christ. 

As sincere Christians, we may be good in attending church services, devotions, prayer meet, campaigns and listen several sermons, discourses from preachers, bible studies, etc,. Especially, our modern gadgets bring us numerous sermons without any scarcity via television, YouTube and other media. And none of us can ever say that I don’t have proper understanding about what Christ has taught. If we say so, most probably we must have been sleeping during the church services which we have attended in our past. We know what is good and what is bad. Here, we have to ask ourselves a question, “Are we applying all those teachings in the reality of our practical life?” Now-a-days, we Christians forget that we are the students of our divine master Jesus Christ; rather, making ourselves as teachers to the people around us, without exercising his teachings in our day to day life. 

Many Christians are taking Christian leaders as their role models and fail in their way of life. Sometimes we forget that we are the followers of Christ and act in a way that, we are the followers of our bishops and pastors. Here let us meditate upon three types of actions which we should do as the Christians. Since, Christianity: A life of action.

1) Action towards Ourselves (Personal Action)
This action is a crucial work, which each and every individual should do to be a better person for them and others as well. A blind cannot lead a blind. A person who is already in bondage cannot set others free. This personal action towards ourselves should be a developmental process in which we mould us in a way how we can be a light for the people in darkness.

This is an action in which we should realise ourselves. Whenever we think about our personal action, we talk about the positive attributes of us. But here it is little different. When we turn to the book of Isaiah Chap. 58 verse 1, its second part says, “Announce to my people their rebellion, to the house of Jacob their sins.” Since we should not be bonded in anything, we should know that our actions can put us into bondage. Here as we know the book of Isaiah can be divided into three based on the periods in which it was written. This passage, Isaiah 58 is a part of third Isaiah which was written in the post-exilic period when the people of Israel returned back to their land from the Babylonian exile in the year 536 BCE when the kingdom of Babylon faced a defeat by the king of Cyrus. Here they were in a condition to realise their actions which led them to the bondage and our personal action should not lead us to bondage; rather it should liberate us and others as well.

Matthew chapter 25 deals with the actions which an individual should do in their life. It portrays three different parables, but all of them are related to the deeds of human and their results. Here, the parable of ten virgins teaches us some valuable lessons all together. This is one of the best examples given by Jesus himself about the importance of personal action. This is a well known passage for all of us, which showcases that the personal action should be tireless and should not be lethargic. 

Another important aspect of personal action is using the time properly and wisely. The parable of ten virgins also teaches us about the importance of time when we work upon ourselves. The last part of Luke chapter 16 shows us another parable of Christ, which enables us to understand the importance of our lifetime with the event portraying two personalities, the rich man and Lazarus. Even in our lifetime we may get chance to act like the rich man, but it is very important to make use of that time and act. In such a way the personal action is a pathway for action towards people around us.

2) Action towards others
Though there are discriminations existing like caste, class, gender and so on, in these present days, we Christians weigh people with their appearance, status of life, occupation and never hesitate to judge them. In other hand, Christians are ready to please people who are rich, high class, in higher positions and authorities to find some favours from them. But our actions towards others should be an action without expectation as how Christ loves us without any expectation.

And the scripture portion which has been read to us this morning clearly demonstrates us the way in which we should act towards the people of our society. Our action will not be having any expectation when we work towards the oppressed and suppressed of the society. Matt 25:40 says, “Just as you did to the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” and the same chapter also lists out the people who are the least: The people with hunger, thirst, naked, sick, prisoned and who are strangers.

This action requires the love towards others. One day a nun eagerly joined with mother Theresa to serve the people who are affected with leprosy. But she could not tolerate the wound and affected condition of those people, as she couldn’t even touch them. She asked mother Theresa that how she cleanses their wounds and taking care of them. And she replied, “When I see their hands I think they are the hands of Jesus, when I clean their legs I feel that I wash the legs of my saviour.”

In these days, several preachers are ready to preach the prosperity gospel and talk only about the materialistic blessings and benefits. But in our nation India, there are roughly 6% of the total population is living under the poverty line. And the number is around 83million which is 8.3 crore people who are struggling to get one good meal per day. Apart from that there are 269.8 million people who are statistically poor on our country. Let us think about it my beloved people in Christ. Let our eyes go towards the downtrodden people of our circumstances and help them to lead a peaceful life by sharing God’s love to them.

3) Action of Unity
The third is the action of unity. This is the most essential action in our present context. This requires both the previous actions. We should act towards us and others simultaneously in this unified action. Here I would like to share an illustration which I read in a passage. When we put 100 red ants and 100 black ants inside a bottle and close its lid, they will keep on moving without any problems. But when someone shakes the bottle from outside, the red ants will start thinking black as their enemies and same goes with black as well and they will start killing each other, even without knowing their actual problem is outside the bottle. Similarly, we Christians fail to understand the problems of the society; rather bring all those problems into the church and Christianity and we fight among ourselves.

Romans Chapter 12 verse 5 clearly says “so we, who are many, are one body in Christ” Still there are Christians identifying themselves on caste, community, tribe and class. Some people separated themselves to form new church from existing church for their own caste and tribe. Doesn’t it sound crazy? There can be nothing more shameful for the Christianity other than these separations. As we say we believe in one God; worship and follow that one God and separating ourselves with the boundaries which are designed by this world and not by Christ. We question why the Christian mission is finding lot of difficulties in this pluralistic context of India and we are the answers for that. When we are united together in all forms of actions, our mission will reach out multitudes and that is what the missio dei and holistic mission are all about. When our mission is not unified and inclusive it cannot be a mission. 

Of course we are human beings with several limitations. But, “Are we making those limitations as excuse for not walking in a way which Jesus Christ has taught us? What are the factors which are hindering us and not letting us to act as a faithful Christian?” Let us ask these questions to ourselves and practice all the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ to build his kingdom in this world by moulding ourselves. Since Jesus Christ said, the kingdom of God is within us. And this is what our theological journey is all about. So as the students of our divine teacher Jesus Christ, let us take a fine decision in this international student’s day, to work and act in a way, which reflects our saviour Christ in all our actions.
May God Bless us all. Amen!

Mr. George Daniel R
Serampore College 

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