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How do we read Bible? Lesson from the Prisoner

Once there was a life-termed prisoner who had no hope in his frustrated life and he didn't have even a single friend in the prison. But fortunately he got in his prison cell a Holy Bible which he made his life companion and only hope for his decaying life. He began to truly love the Bible and he read the Bible so much, so elaborately and so many times that he discovered and recorded in his own words so many of his findings from the Bible in the following writing: He wrote in his language, "I found in the Bible: 35,86,489 letters, 7,73,692 words, 31,173 verses and 1,189 chapters. The word 'and' occurred 46,277 times, Psalm No. 118 is the middle chapter of the Bible, Esther 8:9 is the longest verse, John 11:35 is the shortest verse..." Thus he recorded many other things also from his elaborate readings of the Bible. Did any of us read the Bible like that prisoner?

Lesson: How much do we, who are born Christian, read our own Bible? That life-termed prisoner has become an inspiration for many to read the personal Bible daily and thoroughly.

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