Once a meeting was organised in London for Evangelist Billy Graham to preach. But there was a big protest that he should not come here to hold a meeting. "Billy Graham is coming to conduct the gospel circus," media and the press sarcastically wrote in spades. Even the churches opposed him. In such a situation he and his wife arrived at the port of London by ship. As soon as he landed journalists surrounded him and asked, “you have come to change our London, have you changed your America?”. They mocked him by asking him various questions. Then they boarded a train to go to their destination. While in the train he prayed saying “The situation is in such a way”. He looked at the face of God and said, "How am I going to go there and minister?" Immediately God spoke to him through the scriptures. Then, he prayed with tears asking the Lord to give him the grace to endure any kind of struggle. When they got down from train, thousands of people gathered there and greeted them with cheers. God spoke in his heart saying, “See how many people I have for you?”. Tears welled up in Billy Graham's eyes.